Case Study: Increasing Brand Engagement and Lead Generation for a Life Insurance Provider


  • A national life insurance provider seeking to expand its customer base and increase brand awareness.


  • The company's social media presence was outdated and lacked engaging content.
  • There was minimal interaction with followers, resulting in low engagement rates.
  • Lead generation through social media channels was negligible.


  • Revamp the social media presence with a fresh, engaging approach.
  • Increase engagement and interaction with followers.
  • Generate qualified leads for life insurance products.


  1. Content Strategy Overhaul:
    • Developed a diversified content calendar: Included a mix of educational content (explaining life insurance concepts, providing tips for choosing policies, answering FAQs), inspirational stories (customer testimonials, financial planning tips), and interactive content (polls, quizzes, contests).
    • Leveraged video content:Created short videos explaining complex insurance terms in simple language and showcasing real-life scenarios where life insurance made a difference.
    • Incorporated user-generated content: Encouraged customers to share their stories and experiences with life insurance, building a sense of community.
  2. Community Management and Engagement:
    • Created a diversified content calendar incorporating:
      • Responded promptly to comments and messages:Provided personalized responses and addressed customer inquiries.
      • Initiated conversations:Asked questions, shared thought-provoking posts, and encouraged discussions around life insurance topics.
      • Hosted live Q&A sessions:Provided a platform for followers to ask questions and get real-time answers from experts.
  3. Targeted Social Media Advertising:
    • Lookalike Audiences: Created lookalike audiences based on existing customers to reach potential customers with similar demographics and interests.
    • Retargeting Campaigns: Showed ads to users who had previously interacted with the company's website or social media content, reminding them of the benefits of life insurance.

Results (Hypothetical):

  • Engagement Boost: Increased social media engagement by 75% within six months, with more likes, comments, shares, and direct messages.
  • Follower Growth: Expanded social media following by 40%, attracting a wider range of potential customers.
  • Lead Generation: Generated a 30% increase in website traffic and a 25% increase in quote requests from social media channels.

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